Archive for "Uncategorized"

Summer Fondue Play Music playlist

Categories: Uncategorized
28 December 2016

If you’re Google Play Music, feel free to subscribe to the local playlist there:

>>> Summer Fondue Picks in Play Music

Summer Fondue Spotify playlist

Categories: Uncategorized
21 June 2015

Hey Summer Fondue lovers! Quick announcement: we’ve started to put together a public Spotify playlist called Summer Fondue picks with our favorite soulful house tracks. You’re very welcome to follow.
Enjoy the playlist, and keep it soulful!

Off for a week vacation

Categories: Uncategorized
13 July 2010

For the next week Summer Fondue is going off for some summer pleasure without any devices and networks. Expect 99th episode next Sunday though.

Summer Fondue goes beachy

Stay tuned and keep it soulful!